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They Have Returned to Kitty Hawk!
Tom Serkowski, Jim Payne, and Dave Nadler report on Leg 12, and the RTKH experience. And the winners are...... see the Leader Board!


A Wedding Fly-In?
Bob and Paula had plans to get married among a few friends at Terry Airport, IN. Little did they know that their guest list would grow to include about 40 sailplane pilots flying in a race to Kitty Hawk.

Crewing at Kitty Hawk

Martha Jacobs shares the all-important aspects of cross-country crewing, like shopping, seeing a movie, and of course experiencing the splendor of these United States.

A Busy Rest Day

June 29th was a rest day, but Jim Payne wanted to visit the USAF museum and the Wright brothers' bicycle shop.

CAP Cadets Learn About Soaring

Jim Payne took time out to meet with local CAP cadets at Terry Airport, IN to teach them a bit about soaring, the USAF, etc.

Geography 101

On a cross-country trip you're bound to have some humorous experiences. Martha Jacobs had one in Jean, NV.

Iron Man of RTKH
Doug Jacobs writes about sheer determination in this trans-continental race. More...

A Smoking Trailer and Other RTKH Sagas

A tale of a broken trailer tongue from the pen (keyboard) of Jim Payne. More...

It was an ungainly contraption, precar-
iously hanging on the wind.....

Build and fly this Wright paper glider.....

Jim Payne's Site

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